Lost Light

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Template:Individual ship

Description[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Civilian Craft[edit | edit source]

In 5,000,000 BC, the Unitrex-1 was built in the Cybertronian city of Unitrex, the first ship outfitted with an experimental generator. A crew was selected for the ship's first launched, which included Ore and Shock of Bitrex and a guard with a pack of turbofoxes was placed onboard for security. In 1st Cycle 012, two time-travelers from 2014 AD, Cyclonus and Rodimus, teleported onboard to recharge their time machine. As Cyclonus held off the guards, Rodimus upgraded the experimental generator into a quantum generator to charge the machine, effectively inventing a quantum generator. Cyclonus ended up shooting the guard with a Sparkeater gun and locked him in a chamber. Once the time machine charged, it reacted with the Unitrex-1 to quantum jump to the Vela Pulsar, dropping the two time-travelers to the ground.

During the Second Cybertronian Civil War, two neutral Mortilus-worshiping Cybertronians attempting to escape the war discovered the ship. They found the guard, now turned into a Sparkeater, and kept it tame by feeding it turbofoxes. In 2012 AD, the two neutrals returned to Cybertron following the end of the war, where the current-version of Rodimus was searching for a ship he could use to find the Knights of Cybertron. He sent Drift, Pipes, and Riptide to buy one, who eventually purchased the vessel during the Festival of the Lost Light for one billion Shanix, deciding to rename the ship Lost Light, after the festival.

Under Rodimus[edit | edit source]

Rodimus successfully convinced 208 Autobots to sign up for a place aboard the Light, with a plan to follow a map with half of the Matrix of Leadership to find the Knights of Cybertron. Ultra Magnus was appointed second-in-command, Drift was third-in-command, Ratchet continued in his job of Chief Medical Officer, Perceptor and Brainstorm joined as science officers, and Red Alert was the director of security. Just before launch, Brainstorm, Drift, Ore, Rodimus, and Shock conspired with Autobot Special Operations director Prowl to bring the imprisoned Overlord onboard for research and interrogation, with the goal to create an Autobot with power levels similar to a Phase Sixer.

As the ship prepared to launch, Ore attempted to place a tracker on the ship's engines, but the quantum generator's activation meshed him with it, causing an explosion which warped the Light across the galaxy. However, the

Co-Captains[edit | edit source]

Mutiny[edit | edit source]

Captain Once More[edit | edit source]

Crew manifest[edit | edit source]

Current[edit | edit source]

Former[edit | edit source]

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Notes and appearances[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]