Onyx (character)

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Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

A Cybertronian male, Onyx was forged on the planet of Cybertron. At some point, he became good friends with Megatronus. In 12,000,000 BC, the Knights of Cybertron, Cybertron's leaders, left their home planet in order to spread their message to the rest of the galaxy. Onyx had no respect for his former masters, believing to forge his own history. In the years that followed, Cybertronian society degraded into a tribal society, with each tribe being led by a Prime. Taking the title of Prime, Onyx Prime came to lead the Maximals, a tribe comprised of Cybertronians with animal alternate modes. He also came into possession of the "Talisman", a device of unknown origin with equally unknown power.

A Member of the Thirteen[edit | edit source]

The Darklander Invasion[edit | edit source]

One tribe, known as the Darklanders, began to attempt to takeover the planet. The Maximals encountered Liege Maximo, the leader of a tribe in the Forgotten Plains, whose lands had been conquered by the Darklanders. Onyx and Maximo traveled to Crystal City, a settlement joint-ruled by the First Council, which was comprised of Alchemist Prime, Alpha Trion, Nexus Prime, Solus Prime, and Vector Prime. He told them of the Darklanders' approach and announced his wishes to join with them in an effort to mount a defense, while simultaneously insulting their belief in Primus. If not, the Maximals would defend themselves at leave the city to the mercy of the attackers. As he began to leave, Alpha Trion followed him, saying that their legends could inspire others, something Onyx took to his spark.

Onyx decided to stay, and he and his Maximals decided to train the First Council's followers, turning them from energon farmers into soldiers. Soon, the Darklanders arrived, led by the twins Arcee and Galvatron, and the Maximals and other warriors went out to fight them, with their leaders staying in the rear. Suddenly, an earthquake shook the battlefield and three Titans, Chela, Metroplex, and Metrotitan, emerged to surround the combatants. As the warriors stood in awe, Onyx took this opportunity to throw himself into the fray, tearing through the Darklanders in an effort to reach their commander. Just as he prepared to vanquish his foe, he discovered that the enemy leader was Megatronus, and the two ended the conflict before forging an alliance.

The two armies returned to Crystal City, where they celebrated toward a new future. Onyx began to forge stories of his own, including telling a drunk Alchemist Prime of the Chosen One and the Dark Cybertron prophecy and designing a new symbol for an alliance between the Primes, seemingly based on Primus' visage. Alpha Trion was distressed by this, thinking that the Prime might begin to make stories for his own gain.

Leading Cybertron[edit | edit source]

Soon, the Northern Alliance and Nexus' brother, all of them Primes, joined the First Council in an alliance, forming the Thirteen. For millennia, the Thirteen ruled Cybertron jointly, reforming Cybertronian society. However, Onyx and his Maximals became second-class citizens due to their alternate modes. Onyx soon built his base, the Citadel, in Kalis. He also, along with the other Primes, added a Titan to his forces, his being Chela, whom he called his "Talon".

First Cybertronian Civil War[edit | edit source]

Around 10,000,000 BC, the peace was shattered by Megatronus, who assassinated Solus Prime. Thus, the First Cybertronian Civil War began, with the thirteen tribes fighting against each other. Onyx allied himself with Liege Maximo and Micronus Prime. However, Micronus betrayed them, breaking Onyx's trust.

Soon, it was revealed that Maximo had engineered Solus' murder, leading to his exile. Onyx Prime was then forced to ally himself with Nexus Prime. The two decided to use Nexus' Enigma of Combination to forcefully combine their forces, using smaller beast-mode Cybertronians as heads for their larger brethren, a process which deemed its participants Headmasters. However, Galvatron, who had deserted his master, was appalled and hunted Headmasters across the galaxy until he arrived at Nexus' base, killing the Prime. One of Nexus' followers, a Titan Master named Infinitus, took this opportunity to join Onyx.

This death dispelled the rumor that only a Prime could kill another Prime, scaring the remaining Primes that their followers might begin to turn against him. In 8,000,000 BC, before the news spread, Onyx boarded Chela along with several of his followers on a journey to abandon Cybertron. The Maximals who stayed behind where relegated to secondary citizens once again due to Cybertron's functionist doctrine.

Ongoing Machinations[edit | edit source]

Eukaris[edit | edit source]

By 7,000,000 BC, Chela arrived on an uninhabited jungle world. The world was named Eukaris, and Chela used the hot spot within him to disgorge new generations of Cybertronians, all with beast modes. Onyx had the new generations raised so that they would not have the stigma that they had on Cybertron, while being aware of it.

Around 600,000 BC, Onyx traveled to an unknown world

Knowing that Galvatron had Nexus' Enigma of Combination, Onyx sent the Axalon on a quest to find it around 18,000 BC. He entrusted its captain, Domitius Major, with the Talisman for protection. However, contact was soon lost with the ship, and Onyx dispatched a Titan Master, Sovereign, to their last known location, the planet Earth, in order to locate the Enigma and report to him once it was found.

Forming an Army[edit | edit source]

For reasons unknown, Onyx Prime and a contingent of Eukarians left their homeworld, but not before informing Chela to go dormant and only awaken if "standard-formers" stepped foot on Eukarian soil. Onyx and his Maximals arrived on Antilla, a world near the galaxy's core orbiting a singularity. While there, they discovered a gigantic optic embedded into the side of a mountain.

Return to Cybertron[edit | edit source]

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

Powers and abilities[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]